Thursday 24 May 2018

Term 2 2018, Volume 6, Weeks 5 & 6

Term 2 2018, Volume 6, Weeks 5 & 6

On top of spaghetti all covered in cheese 
I lost my poor meatball when somebody sneezed 
It rolled off the table, it rolled on the floor 
And then my poor meatball rolled out of the door....♫   AAAAACCCCHHHHOOOO

Image result for spaghetti bolognese clipartFrom simultaneous reading, poetry writing, pizza and gelato to the fantastic turn out at our Open Night, the Middle School sure know how to celebrate Education Week.


Monday 28th  May- Friday 1st June - Woorabinda Camp
 (Mrs McCallum and some gr 4 5 students attending)
Friday June 1st- Curriculum Day (student free day)
Monday 11th June - Queen's Birthday PUBLIC HOLIDAY- NO SCHOOL
Tuesday 19th: Excursion to the Melbourne Museum
Friday 29th Last Day Term 2 

Monday 16th - Term 3 begins

WEEK  5& 6

There was a buzz of ASSESSMENT happening in the Middle School during week 5 and 6 and the students did a great job managing themselves and trying their best at all times. Well done!!!

In READING, the students completed activities related to our Inquiry unit about European settlement and how the Aborigines adapted to this change.  .

Over the past two weeks in WRITING, the students completed a piece of writing of their own choice. It was great to read a selection of postcards, poems, letters, stories and recounts. We also looked at haiku poems and for an assessment piece, the students wrote a narrative about magic shoes. Many students wrote about shoes that enabled them to clean their rooms SUPER good would that be? I'm sure we would invest in those shoes.

Our MATHS sessions have focussed on Measurement and in particular Mass and Area. The students really enjoyed weighing objects from around the classroom and comparing their estimates. We also traced our shoe onto grid paper to find the area in cm2. Maybe the whole family could do this and compare sizes!

Our INQUIRY unit is proving to be very popular, especially when we looked at the crimes the convicts committed and the types of punishments they received. The students were very enthusiastic about completing WANTED posters.

 The PITW key concept we focused on was being brave - participate to progress. This was evident during our Italian Day rotations. Great job kids!
3/4 SPORT started this week. Each week, students will participate in their house groups, in learning the skills and rules of four sports; Netball, Tee Ball, Soccer and Volley Stars.

Our focus in SPELLING in weeks 5 & 6:
G3The trigraph ‘ear’ as in ear
G4- The digraph ‘ou’ as in famous
G3The graph /c/ making the sound ‘s’ as in city
G4- The digraph /ch/ making the sound ‘sh’ as in chef

Coming Up
WEEKS 7 & 8
In READING we will be focusing on understanding what we read and using our schema to complete comprehension activities about fiction texts. 
In week 6 we will be looking at the visualising strategy when reading in our groups..

During the next 2 weeks in WRITING we will be supporting students to further develop their skills in genres we have covered to date and in week 6 we will be starting a unit on poetry.

Over the next couple of weeks in MATHS we will be learning about Measurement through a variety of hands on activities.

Students continue to be engaged in our INQUIRY topic and will be introduced to .

Our focus in SPELLING:
Week 7
G3The prefix inter as in interval
G4- The digraph /ai/ as in

Week 8:
G3- Year 3 – contractions
G4- Year 4 – suffix -ment

 The PITW key concept we will be focusing on is 'Be Brave - participate to progress.'

  • Please encourage your child to record their nightly reading in their diaries and bring both their book and diary to school daily.
  • Students need appropriate foot wear for 3/4 SPORT each Wednesday.
Museum Excursion- Tuesday 19th June, 2018

To celebrate a brilliant unit of Inquiry, the Middle School will be heading to the Melbourne Museum for an excursion. The cost of this excursion is included in the Excursion Levy.
Tuesday 19th June - Week 10.  

What to wear? 
Full school uniform.

What to bring?
Play lunch, lunch, water.                              

More information to come in a notice next week.

Italian Day

Open Night

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